第9章 論文 光速の背景
(本論文は2016年4月 整備完成されたものである)


Background Regarding the Speed of Light
Author ; M.Y.


Although a medium that carries sound clearly exists, the question of the medium relative to which the speed of light is defined remains unknown.

This has led to various theoretical contradictions involving traveling objects.

According to the common understanding that evolved till the 20th century, the Earth is revolving around the sun at a speed of 30 km/sec.  Light travels straight through empty spaces. Therefore, if this is correct, then we can conclude that the speed of light should change according to the change in direction.

 Acceleration does not act when an object experiences continuous motion with uniform velocity; this is known as the inertial system. Many inertial systems with mutually different speeds may exist, and Newton’s laws of motion are applied to each inertial system.

However, the value of the velocity of light measured in the laboratory was equal in every direction. This was impossible considering the common knowledge of the 20th century.

One scientist*1 stated “the velocity of light is constant in every inertia system”. This is the same realization as Newtonian mechanics being applied in every inertia system. But, as a matter of fact, a large misunderstanding was there. This paper solves the serious one.

In this paper, as a result of our pursuit of the medium through which light propagates, we discover a law of the speed of light, and report the findings. If this theory is correct, it would have an impact on other research fields such as optics, GPS system design, the frame theory of moving objects and space engineering, especially on the “theory of relativity










