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要約 Abstract


 1. 光が走る場についての考察      Considerations on what light travels through 

 1.1 光速の謎と矛盾――在来論
 従来科学者がこだわってきた光の絶対空間はどこにあるのか? 私自身もそうであった思索は以下のようでした。

 走行する車中で私がランプを点けたとします。もし光の絶対座標が私の列車に静止していたとしますと、車中での光速cは光の絶対速度でありましょう。だとしますと、地上の人にとっての光速は、cに私の列車速度υの速さが加わってc+υになるはずです。もし地上の人がライターを使ったため光を発したとしましょう。その光はc+υの速さを持つでしょうか? 彼は「そうではない、このライターに対してcである」と考えるでしょう。そうしますと車中の私にとってc-υとなります。光の座標は地上ということになります


 Background of Running  Light
          Muneharu Yuya


The medium which transmits sound waves, clearly exists. However, the medium against which light should have wave-velocity is not yet confirmed. Therefore, various theoretical inconsistencies have occurred in the theory concerning the moving substances. We expect this consideration will lead us to a solution.

 1. Considerations on What Light Travels Through

1.1 Mystery and inconsistency of the velocity of light――Traditional theory

The argument about where light runs has been fully discussed as an “ether theory”. As a result, it is generally supposed that no such medium (ether) exists. However, we cannot but say that this conclusion brought about various inconsistencies among considerations of physics. Thus, we would like to submit this paper as an offer of one solution.
According to what we have so far taken into consideration, we cannot geometrically define the "absolute frame" of light. Out of those methods, inconsistencies in physics occur many times. Where is the absolute-space (of light) to which scientists have adhered? Although I have done so myself, the speculation they have made for a long time was as follows.

 Suppose that I turned on the lamp in a running train. If the absolute- frame of light rests on my train, then the velocity c of light in the train might be the absolute-velocity of light. In this case, the velocity of light for a terrestrial person should become c+υas a result of adding the speed υ of my train to c. On the other hand, imagine that light occurred because a terrestrial person used his cigarette lighter. Does the light have the speed of c+υat this time? One would think, "that is not right but it has speed of c against his cigarette lighter". If it is true, the speed of light will be given as c―υ in my train. It means that the frame of light is fixed on the ground.
  So can we say that the frame of light fixes on the object which emitted the light? If it is right, what is the speed of the light which is emitted from an object

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