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 マイケルソン博士は失敗したのでしょうか? そうではありません。新しい見解では、地上に固定されたマイケルソン干渉計は光の座標に対して運動していなかったのです。光の座標はエーテル風でも太陽でもありません。真の光の伝達場は、空虚な幾何空間ではなく、マクロには重力場でありまして、それは太陽の、ではなく地球の、であったのです。これこそがこのたび見つかったとする“光速の背景”です。

1.3 物質場と光の結論




distance, and the two rays are joined with the splitter again.
 If this equipment has the speed ofυto the frame (medium) of light, since relative velocity of light occurs among directions X and Y, then interference fringes of the piled-up light should make a shift. He turned its y-arm to the sun and the x- arm to the direction of the revolution of the Earth. However, his interferometer, which was fixed on the ground, did not detect any shift of interference- fringes in any directions.
 As a result, it was supposed that the velocity of light is eternal on every moving frame, with any kind of movement. Still now, that idea remains as it is. This conclusion has the remarkable inconsistencies that were described previously. In order to address these, the irrational hypothesis called "Lorentz shortening (the running object is shrunk in its direction)"is necessary.
 Did Dr.Michelson fail? No, he didn't! According to the new understanding, the Michelson's interferometer fixed on the ground was not moving against the frames of light. Neither the ether-drift nor the sun is the frame of light.
 The true transmitting space of light was not empty geometric space but (macroscopically) a gravitational-field. That is, not of the sun but of the earth. This is surely the "background of the velocity of light" which is supposed to be found lately.
 What Dr.Michelson detected was the undeniable fact that "the ether rests on the gravitational-field of the Earth". Of course, it is not a failure. Someday, if someone could detect the relative-velocity of light in space, it will become actual proof of our new supposition.

1.3Relation between a substance field and light
 As a conclusion: Light is born of shock, heat, or the interaction of substances. A substance carries a gravitational-field, a magnetic-field, an electric field or other "field" that should be called "substance-fields". Therefore, it will be considered that the light should be produced as vibration of a magnetic-field in the magnetic-field. This can be summarized as follows:
Light spreads in a gravitational-field (macroscopically), or in a magnetic-field (microscopically) at the velocity c of light.
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