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 なにより、ここへ導かれる契機となって提供された、今は亡きAlbert Abraham Michelson博士と、その、Henry G.Gale氏、 Fred Pearson氏ほか協力者たちが残された貴重な功績なしには到達し得なかったものであり、その尊敬の念は筆舌に尽くし得ません。

附録: *マイケルソン=ゲイル=ピアソンの実験(1925, Illinois Prairie, U.S. A)



 Spencer R. Weart & Melba Phillips, editors:HISTORY OF PHYSICS,(American Institute of PhysicsNew York, New York 1985p.40
 Robert S. Shankland Michelson and his interferometer (PHYSICS TODAYAPRIL 1974)  西尾成子、今野宏之共訳:『歴史をつくった科学者たちⅠ』(HISTORY OF PHYSICS), (東京 丸善 1986 P.68
limited associates. Moreover, I received not a little mental aid from publishing company proprietor Mr.Koichi Koizumi.
 Above all, we could not have reached this point without the precious achievements which have led us and provided for us plentifully, from the late Dr. Albert Abraham Michelson and his cooperators Mr. Henry G.Gale, Mr. Fred Pearson, and others. I can hardly describe the respect by means of any words.

Appendix: *Michelson-Gale-Pearson'sexperiment
(1925, in the Illinois Prairie west of Chicago, U.S. A)
 Its outline is shown as in Fig.4. The vacuated 12-inch pipe is horizontally constructed by the rectangle (300 m×600 m).
 The introduced light was divided into two rays, which were reflected and refracted, respectively, by the splitter. Then, owing to the relative-velocity of light produced by the Earth’s rotation, the gap of 0.25 waves was detected between the two rays of light.  

 Robert S. Shankland: Michelson and his interferometer (PHYSICS TODAYAPRIL 1974)  Spencer R. Weart & Melba Phillips, editors: in HISTORY OF PHYSICSAmerican Institute of PhysicsNew York, New York 1985p.40
 Translators: Nishio Seiko & Konno Hiroyuki: Rekishi wo tsukutta kagakusha-tachi
(HISTORY OF PHYSICS), Maruzen, Tokyo, 1986[in Japanese] P.68
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