




 なにより、ここへ導かれる契機となって提供された、今は亡きAlbert Abraham Michelson博士と、その、Henry G.Gale氏、 Fred Pearson氏ほか協力者たちが残された貴重な功績なしには到達し得なかったものであり、その尊敬の念は筆舌に尽くし得ません。


1. It means A. Einstein.

2. The Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment (1925, Illinois, U.S.A.).

マイケルソン=ゲイル=ピアソンの実験(1925, Illinois Prairie, U.S. A)

  Law 2: Law of gravitational field distribution
 The background velocity of light in a given space is the sum of vectors of velocities of objects creating the gravitational field normalized by their ratios of Newton's law of universal gravitation.
 The background velocity does not exceed that of the fastest moving object.

The speed of a gravitational field can be obtained from Law 2, as follow.

The frame with this velocity is the rest frame of light.


In this study, I have benefitted from the encouragement of a few close acquaintances. Moreover, I received considerable support from the publishing company (Shin-Shisakusha, Tokyo) proprietor, Mr. Koichi Koizumi.

More than anything, this study could not have been accomplished without the precious achievements of the late Dr. Albert Abraham Michelson, as well as Mr. Henry G. Gale, Mr. Fred Pearson and many other co-operators. Words are not enough to express my admiration of them.

We also thank Crimson Interactive Pvt. Ltd. (Ulatus) for their assistance in the translation and editing of this manuscript. The authors would also like to thank Enago (www.enago.jp) for the English language review.


1. It means A. Einstein.

2. The Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment (1925, Illinois, U.S.A.).

Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment
  The outline of the Michelson-Gale-Pearson experiment is shown in Figure 4. An evacuated 12-inch pipe is horizontally constructed to form a 300 m×600 m