
しかし、これに添えられた光速の不変性とそのための従来の説明理論は、一部の我々には奇妙に思われます。そこに提供されているのは、運動体の観察対象ごとに経過時間が異なるとしています。これらは相対論(1905,A. Einstein)的流れに拠っています。

 また、慣性系に対し回転する円形のリングに沿って光が互いに逆周回する間に光路差が生じるとする実験と考察が1913年にGeorges Sagnacによって提出され、“Sagnac effects”と呼ばれています。

*2 (パイプが地上に長方形に組んで固定され地球自転とともに回転している)と同様な効果であると思われますが、サニヤック実験に関する近年の説明では相対論による“時間の遅れ”が加味されています。




 The interpretation of its result brought about the hypothesis that the speed of light is constant. 
But, the concept of a constant speed of light and the conventional theory behind it seems strange to some researchers, the author included. This theory, extrapolated into special relativity (A.Einstein, 1905), states that elapsed time varies between reference frames depending on their relative motion.

In 1913, Georges Sagnac reported an experiment similar to the MGP(Michelson–Gale–Pearson) experiment*2, which is a key to our paper. In Sagnac's experiment, the differences (or the so-called Sagnac effects) in the optical paths of two light rays travelling in opposite directions on a circular ring rotating with respect to an inertial frame were observed.
This phenomenon is likely due to the same effect
seen in the MGP experiment (a pipe-ring in which light travels is horizontally constructed on the ground to form a rectangle and rotated with the revolution of the Earth) in 1925; however, the explanation of Sagnac effects includes the concept of time dilation based on theory of relativity.

Our arguments are based entirely on real phenomena and are different from the explanation regarding the Sagnac effects, which are irrelevant to our paper. In the MGP experiment, the ring was not rotated. Yet, the two light rays that were split and aimed in opposite directions, making a 0.25λ difference between their optical paths; the times elapsed for these two rays were strictly equal.

On the contrary, the present paper was motivated by the attempt to study the true characteristics of light.  Here, we use purely basic physics, wherein we study the properties of nature on the basis of real phenomena or actual experiments; our research was induced by the MGP experiment.

For both inertial frames and non-inertial frames, we have based our analyses on conceptually constructed geometric frames to study these physical phenomena. But, frames cannot affect internal changes such as light. It is impossible to change the speed of ocean waves regardless of how fast a ship travels or any effort to make changes in the wave speed from the deck of the ship.

The ocean waves occur as a result of the internal properties of seawater. Similarly, it is impossible to render a mechanical effect on light because light does not have mass. Modern physics assumes that physics depends on the conceptual frames created by humans.
This assumption has led to strange hypotheses of time and space, leading physicists to cover the contradictions arising from them.