


 The ocean waves occur as a result of the internal properties of seawater. Similarly, it is impossible to render a mechanical effect on light because light does not have mass. Modern physics assumes that physics depends on the conceptual frames created by humans.
 This assumption has led to strange hypotheses of time and space, leading physicists to cover the contradictions arising from them.

 Therefore, we feel the need to take on a new perspective. This perspective takes the stance of understanding nature based solely on its phenomena. Instead of frames, there might be an interactive field wherein natural systems are driven. What kind of real space would that be? This paper reports a discovery of a real picture of nature―a law of naturebased on the above perspective.
  1.2 光速の謎と矛盾――在来論


 従来科学者がこだわってきた光の絶対空間はどこにあるのか? 私自身もそうであった思索は以下のようでした。

走行する車中で私がランプを点けたとします。もし光の絶対座標が私の列車に静止していたとしますと、車中での光速cは光の絶対速度でありましょう。だとしますと、地上の人にとっての光速は、cに私の列車速度υの速さが加わってc+υになるはずです。もし地上の人がライターを使ったため光を発したとしましょう。その光はc+υの速さを持つでしょうか? 彼は「そうではない、このライターに対してcである」と考えるでしょう。そうしますと車中の私にとってc-υとなります。光の座標は地上ということになります。

 1.2  Mysteries and contradictions  in the pre-existing theory of light speed

 Discussions regarding travel media for light have been addressed by the ether theories [4]. It is generally accepted that ether does not exist. However, this conclusion carries some inevitable contradictions. I offer the following solution to this issue.
 We assume that an absolute frame of light cannot be defined geometrically. In this method, a contradiction is bound to emerge.
 Where is the absolute space for light? This is the question that has concerned scientists; a contemplation of this question, which I myself have thought of as well, is presented as follows.
 Consider a situation where I switch on a lamp inside a train in motion. If the absolute frame of light rests on the train, it can be said that the light speed c in the train is the absolute speed of light. This would mean that the speed of light for a person on the ground would be c + υ, where υ is the train speed. Now, imagine that a person on the ground uses a cigarette lighter, which emits light. Would this light have speed c + υ? The person on the ground would probably reply, ‘This is not so. In relation to this lighter, the speed is c.’ Consequently, the speed of this light would be, from my perspective on the train, c − υ. The frame of reference for the light would be on the ground.