


マイケルソン博士は失敗したのでしょうか? そうではありません。新しい見解では、地上に固定されたマイケルソン干渉計は光の座標に対して運動していなかったのです。光の座標はエーテル風でも太陽でもありません。真の光の伝達場は、空虚な幾何空間ではなく、マクロには重力場でありまして、それは太陽の、ではなく地球の、であったのです。これこそがこのたび見つかったとする“光速の背景”です。


 If the measuring apparatus has speed υ in relation to the frame (i.e., the medium) of light and the relative velocity of light exists in the x and y directions, then the interference fringes of the overlapping light should be observed to shift. The y arm was pointed towards the sun from a fixed point on the ground and the x arm was pointed towards the Earth’s direction of revolution, as well as in all possible directions; however, Michelson’s interferometer did not detect the expected shift.
  Therefore, light speed is considered constant today, regardless of the frame of reference. As mentioned previously, this concept involves notable inconsistencies. As a result, an unreasonable hypothesis known as the Lorentz contraction (travelling objects contract in the direction of travel) is necessary in response to these inconsistencies.

Did Dr. Michelson fail? The answer, in fact, is no. A new perspective on this experiment considers that Michelson’s interferometer, fixed to the Earth, was not travelling against the frame of light. The frame of the light was neither the etheric winds nor the sun. The true field through which the light was transmitted was not an empty geometric space, but a macroscopic gravitational field. The gravitational field was not that of the sun but of the Earth. Indeed, this is the ‘background for the speed of light’ claimed to have been found.
 Dr. Michelson detected the undisputed fact that the ether is stationary relative to Earth’s gravitational field. Therefore, this experiment was not a failure. Eventually, we should obtain definitive proof of this by detecting the relative speed of light in space.

  2.   理論  Theory

  2.1 物質場



  2. Theory

  2.1  The substance field

 The above consideration makes us have a presentiment of that
light is produced from the impact, heating and interaction of objects. Substances have gravitational, magnetic, electric and other fields which can be called substance-fields. Light can be considered as a vibration formed within the magnetic field. This might be summarized as follows:
 Light is transmitted at light speed c, through a magnetic field at the microscopic level and a gravitational field at the macroscopic level.