According to our pursuit, an absolute frame of light cannot be defined geometrically. In this method, a contradiction is bound to emerge. Where is the absolute space for light?  This is the question that has concerned scientists; a contemplation of this question, which I myself have thought of as well, is as follows.
 Consider a situation where I switch on a lamp inside a train in motion. If the absolute frame of light rests on the train, it can be said that the light speed c in the train is the absolute speed of light. This would mean that the speed of light for a person on the ground would be c + υ, where υ is the train speed. Now, imagine that a person on the ground uses a cigarette lighter, which emits light. Would this light have speed c + υ? The person on the ground would probably reply, ‘This is not so. In relation to this lighter, the speed is c.’ Consequently, the speed of this light would be, from my perspective on the train, c − υ. The frame of reference for the light would be on the ground.
 Would the reference frame of light be fixed on the object emitting light? If so, what occurs when this object travels at speed υ while emitting light? What would the speed υ be in relation to? Is the speed of light c a value in relation to an absolute rest frame? Or is c in relation to the object producing the light; in other words, is the object providing the absolute frame for light itself?
 What is the object speed υ relative to? If the object producing light holds the frame for light, this would mean light from the sun, light on the ground and light from the moon would each have separate coordinate for light. However, this is contradictory. We know that all this light can be measured in the same way using optical instruments on the ground. Assuming that there is a single absolute frame for all this light, the possibility cannot be denied that Earth, existing in a galactic system, has a speed almost approaching light speed compared with the absolute frame of light. However, not even the slightest difference in light speed in any direction has ever been observed. So, where are the coordinate frames for light? Is the Earth that unique in terms of its existence?

 1.3 Field light travels
  Inconsistencies have appeared regarding all the aspects discussed above and only deepened the mystery. This is due to attempts to determine solutions geometrically. After an in-depth consideration of the origin and true nature of light (i.e. From what is light formed? How is light formed?), the following solution arises. テキスト ボックス:  
      →υ    Figure 1
  In the Michelson–Morley experiment (Figure 1), light travelling from a light source is divided into light reflected at 90° using a splitter (half-silvered mirror) angled at 45° and light that travels directly through the splitter. After both rays of light travel an equal distance, reflectors return the rays of light to converge at the splitter.

If the measuring apparatus has speed υ in relation to the frame (i.e. the medium) of light and the relative velocity of light exists in the x and y directions, then the interference fringes of the overlapping light should be observed to shift. The y arm was pointed towards the sun from a fixed point on the ground and the x arm was pointed towards the Earth’s direction of revolution, as well as in all possible directions, yet Michelson’s interferometer did not detect the expected shift.

  Therefore, light speed is considered constant today, no matter what type of travelling frame is considered. As mentioned previously, this concept involves notable inconsistencies. As a result, an unreasonable hypothesis known as the Lorentz contraction (travelling objects contract in the direction of travel) is necessary in response to these inconsistencies.