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2. 光の伝達場を特定する

2.1 重力場の合成――絶対座標を決めるもの


This gravitational field exists with movement of the gravitational-fields from all the objects that are sources of gravity. The movement speed is determined as a composition of all their effective movement vectors. Therefore, "the background of running light " is not absolutely at rest. In addition, it is determined that "the gravitational-field which has its movement speed in this place of space" is the rest frame of light. Let us illustrate the facts proving these points. In 1925, this experiment was carried out in the prairie of Illinois in U.S.A. The so-called Michelson-Gale-Pearson's experiment*1) will prove this fact clearly. It should be called “Law of the Light's Velocity”.
 Now, let us illustrate the calculation model that searches for the background of the velocity of light, as follows.
2.Specifying the Transmitting Space of Light

2.1 Composition of a gravitational field
――― What determines the absolute

Fig.2 shows the celestial bodies moving at speed V with mass (m) respectively, in space. Let us take as examples, the values in the table on the right. The concentric circles are the virtual lines showing the distance from O. The arrows show the movement direction of each celestial body and length of it expresses the speed of movement.

 The following Fig.3 shows how much movement of the gravitational-field of each celestial body has influenced to point O.
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